01 Sep How To Discuss Financing Options
The difference between making – and losing – the sale often comes down to payment options. Here’s how your team can guide customers to know and understand how they can take their purchase home now, despite any credit concerns they may have.
Present alternate payment as an advantage
Alternate payment is a sales tool and offers consumers a reason to buy in your store and put retail within their reach. Your sales team should start the payment discussion early, and present it as something that differentiates you as a retailer. This is also an opportunity to present payment options in a way that puts the customer at ease. Your store’s variety of payment options is a reason to buy from you versus your competitors.
Integrate payment into the sales discussion
How the consumer will pay for their purchase often makes the difference between making the sale or your customer leaving. Questions and answers about your store’s options should be woven into the discussion early, since knowing these options may open up more choices for the shopper.
Advocate for the customer
Assure the customer you are on their side when it comes to the application process. Be ready to answer questions and assure them it is quick and easy. Helping a customer chose the best form of payment for them is part of great customer service!